AGA Urges President to Consider Availability of Cryptocurrencies for Gambling Industry

Given the importance and popularity of cryptocurrencies and other modern financial technologies, the US government has decided to reconsider its position on this issue. President Biden issued an executive order on digital assets back in March. It assumes that the number of companies that will be able to use digital assets while complying with all norms and maintaining responsibility will expand.
The AGA, while welcoming the decision, called on the President to go one step further and ensure that the gaming industry can comply with the regulation.
Thus, AGA President Bill Miller calls for attention to the gaming industry since many representatives of this sector would like to include blockchain technologies and digital assets in their activities.
Miller noted that many companies had already taken the first steps to introduce cryptocurrencies and other digital assets into their activities — within the framework of existing federal and state regulations.
The letter, which the AGA sent to the Biden administration, also highlights the support for the executive order from all of the Association’s partners and the encouragement of a more progressive approach to the issue of cryptocurrency and other financial technologies.
We would like to remind you that AGS is digitally inspired and looking for new opportunities.